Sunday, January 20, 2008

Web 2.0

What does "Web 2.0" mean? It means that the information we find on the web is in its fastest form. A 2.0 version of something is supposed to be the most advanced to date. We no longer have to wait months, much less a couple of hours to find something out. All we need to do is log online to learn something.
The fact that information is so accessible these days means that the expectations of new workers will be higher. Also because of what the web can do as far as memory, workers have to be more focused on their work. Slacking off and visiting facebook during work hours is something that one can not hide any longer. Those who are already in the work force need to be aware of what abilities the new comers have. Being able to work the web is such a part of every day life now that kindergardeners are able to navigate. So not having the skills to maneuver the web in unacceptable.
I think the author of Web 2.0 was trying to prove the point that in today's world of instant gratification that it's necessary for information to be easily accessible. But it is because of the web that we have this expectation of instant gratification. So "rethink everything" is about having to forget the traditional ways communication and embracing what has become web 2.0.

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