Thursday, January 24, 2008

In 10 years....

This is probably the scariest thing to think about for a graduating senior. We are the ones who should know where we're going after May, yet somehow we are also the ones who most likely don't have a clue what to do with the next 3 months, much less the next ten years. But a girl can dream, right.... so here goes.
In 10 years, well career wise: I'd like to have my license to practice architecture, both in the US and in the UK. I want to have a Masters of Science in Urban Design completed on top of my MArch. I wish to be LEED accredited as well with many green buildings under my belt. I hope I'm working in one of three big cities; London, Dublin, or Chicago.
As for how I'm gonna get there, I want to have worked in Charleston for a little while and then move to Ireland or England and continue my internship years in an office there. After this I either want to move to Chicago and finish my education at University of Illinois at Chicago, or attend Tulane University in New Orleans. By the time I have done all this, travel should be a priority in my life, whether for pleasure or fun I want to explore the world.
As for my personal life, who the hell knows. I have always prioritized my career over a family of my own, but that does not mean that I am against the idea of me having a family. I would love lots of kids running around. But I'm not a dreamer, I know that if I have a large family, or really any sized family, my career will probably slow. I would love to be one of those women who has it all: the loving husband, the wonderful children, the perfect dog, and a job that never bores her... but that type of woman is very rare.
So I guess that will be my 10 year goal: to be the woman who has it all, and still is sane at the end of each day.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Web 2.0

What does "Web 2.0" mean? It means that the information we find on the web is in its fastest form. A 2.0 version of something is supposed to be the most advanced to date. We no longer have to wait months, much less a couple of hours to find something out. All we need to do is log online to learn something.
The fact that information is so accessible these days means that the expectations of new workers will be higher. Also because of what the web can do as far as memory, workers have to be more focused on their work. Slacking off and visiting facebook during work hours is something that one can not hide any longer. Those who are already in the work force need to be aware of what abilities the new comers have. Being able to work the web is such a part of every day life now that kindergardeners are able to navigate. So not having the skills to maneuver the web in unacceptable.
I think the author of Web 2.0 was trying to prove the point that in today's world of instant gratification that it's necessary for information to be easily accessible. But it is because of the web that we have this expectation of instant gratification. So "rethink everything" is about having to forget the traditional ways communication and embracing what has become web 2.0.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day One: Introductions

I'm Stephanie. I grew up in Charleston, so beaching and boating are two of my favorites. I am a senior, trying to get ready for graduation. I love my major and all its flaws and sleepless nights. I don't know where architecture is going to take me after Clemson, I just know it's going to be an adventure.
My family and friends are my life. My mom and I are freakishly alike and my dad and I can laugh for hours over the stupidest things. I have 2 younger sisters who I adore. My Charleston friends are the best thing ever, but my archies are amazing.